Sunday, June 27, 2010

Third time's the charm...

So, I think it must be something MPT has about 39 Steps, but remember what I said about Masterpiece Classic back in April? Well, tonight, they're doing it again.


They really love that movie for telethons, I'm thinking.

...And so do I.

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Joys of a Dangling Carrot

This week, I've been thinking about how lucky it is that I've got people to work with that understand the joys of a dangling carrot. For the last couple of years, it's been a real motivator: while I've created my own goals, I've had someone to cheer me on and offer some sort of reward for success. It never has to be something big or serious. Sometimes we send candy or cards. Occasionally we trade books. Sometimes it is something big, like a tee shirt or a piece of jewelry. But, more often than not, it's something totally funny. Among my favorite prizes are a little keychain-dangly Angel, a little knit bottle hat, and a little figurine of a woman with a sword (who is currently on my desk, wearing said hat). I'd like to hope that they've gotten the same giggle from the "Writing Rescue Dog" I sent as a trophy or the Halloween pins and stickers for goals accomplished in the weeks surrounding the holiday. Or baked treats. Or a candy they love and haven't had in a while. A little something to brighten the day and a lovely surprise in the mail. And these days, who gets good mail all that often?
And I know, that if it gives me a warm and fuzzy to see that lovely package in the mail, no matter what's hidden behind the plain brown wrapping, it does the same for my Comrades-in-arms. So, in giving there's an added and shared joy, a celebration of success for that other person and a wonderful knowledge of something wonderful is going to brighten their day, too.

I'm telling you this in part to say thank you to my writing mates, without whom this journey would be so much more difficult. While promising yourself ice cream for accomplishing something is great, it's just not as stimulating or rewarding as having a friend promise to send you stickers if you make it through another week of editing the story that feels like climbing Everest.
But, I'm also telling you this to offer you something to think about for yourselves: what sorts of dangling carrots help you move forward? I'm always looking for ways to help and things to offer as treats. Genn and I have been talking about offering prizes and giveaways here on Sea Monsters. Or even offering formal challenges to each other via the site, for all the world to see. What do you think we should do?

Your insights would be illuminating.... ;)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

5k away my Slump.

So, i've read (and been told) that if you can visualise something you can make it happen. As long as you can see yourself working those steps towards whatever your goal is, anything is possible, right?

With this in mind-- I've decided to train to run a 5k. Yes, I am blogging this to the world, so I have to actually do it. Slightly terrifying. I haven't yet booked a race to run-- that's a bit too scary and ambitious for me, but I have actually printed off a training schedule and set a date to get my feet out on the street-- tomorrow. To be honest, the training doesn't look as scary as I had originally envisioned. It's only three days of actual running, two days of exercise and two rest days. Looking at the training that way, its not only doable, but it seems well, a bit crazy I haven't attempted this yet. You know, besides the fact that I don't really like running. But, as much as I 'don't like running' I've found that the more I do actually run the more I enjoy it. Weird, huh?

And this got me to thinking about my goals for 2010-- and why I've hit such a slump.

I've blogged about being unaccomplished this year and floundering, but I never quite put my finger on why and now I think i know why. I've just lost focus. I'm trying to do so many things (and do them well) that I'm just scattered all over the place. So this week, I'm going to try something else. I'm going to try to set my writing goals out onto a schedule just like the 5k training spreadsheet. Will this be just another procrastination tool? I suspect that might be the case-- but I am awake early on a Monday morning writing this blog post-- one of my many goals for the week-- so that's some modicum of success already, right?

So, today's first goal is accomplished. That's something (and done before work). My second goal for today rests on me being able to finish the scene that refuses to be written. Let's hope I'm that successful.